Kräuter Spirituelle Bedeutung

kräuter spirituelle bedeutung

Kräuter haben seit jeher eine spirituelle Bedeutung. Sie werden in vielen Kulturen als heilig und magisch angesehen, weil sie als Werkzeuge zur Heilung und zur Verbindung mit dem Göttlichen dienen. Kräuter werden in Ritualen und Zeremonien verwendet, um Energie zu schaffen und zu lenken, um spirituelles Wissen und Weisheit zu erlangen und um die Verbindung zur Natur zu stärken. Sie können auch zur Unterstützung bei Heilungsprozessen eingesetzt werden, indem sie Energie zur Heilung und zur Transformation in das Leben eines Menschen bringen. Kräuter haben auch eine tiefe spirituelle Bedeutung, die sich auf die Verbindung des Menschen zu den Elementen der Natur bezieht. Sie ermöglichen es uns, uns mit der Energie des Universums zu verbinden und unser spirituelles Bewusstsein zu erweitern. Kräuter sind ein wertvolles Geschenk der Natur, das uns hilft, unsere spirituellen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und die Verbindung zu unserem inneren Selbst zu stärken.

Kräuter und ihre spirituelle Bedeutung

Kräuter haben seit jeher eine wichtige spirituelle Bedeutung. Sie werden in vielen Religionen und Kulturen als ein Symbol für Reinheit, Erleuchtung und Erneuerung angesehen. Kräuter werden auch in vielen spirituellen Ritualen und Zeremonien verwendet, um eine Verbindung zum Göttlichen herzustellen. Kräuter können auch als ein Symbol für Veränderung und Transformation, sowie für Heilung und Wiedergeburt angesehen werden.


Räuchern ist eine der ältesten spirituellen Praktiken, die Menschen verwenden, um ihre spirituellen Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen. Es wird angenommen, dass durch das Räuchern bestimmter Kräuter eine Verbindung zu den spirituellen Energien hergestellt wird, die uns helfen können, uns auf unsere spirituelle Reise vorzubereiten.


Kräutermedizin ist eine alte Heilkunst, die seit Jahrhunderten verwendet wird, um die spirituelle Gesundheit des Körpers zu fördern. Es wird angenommen, dass bestimmte Kräuter helfen können, die spirituelle Energie des Körpers zu reinigen und zu stärken, was zu einem tieferen spirituellen Verständnis führen kann.

Die geheime Bedeutung von Kräutern

We think the language of flowers is a beautiful concept and can find many different ways it is relevant to our modern lifestyles as well!

Blumensträuße und Blumensträuße

The most traditional way to enjoy sending messages with herbs is a posy or tussie-mussie. These small bouquets usually feature short stems and a few simple sprigs of the desired plants. There’s no reason you can’t go all out and feature your secret message in a full size modern bouquet, though, if that’s your style. If you want the recipient to know about your secret message, either write a note to accompany your bouquet, or use the associations in one of these antique books online (free) – either  or – and leave them a clue so they can de-code it themselves! Here are a few of the ways the language of herbs can be used creatively in our modern lives.

Beste Wünsche

The language of herbs is a lovely way to create a personalized gift that expresses our well wishes and hope for healing. A small bouquet can be customized to express your sentiments and feelings for the recipient. After surgeries or car accidents, or as a comfort during time of loss, herbs like chamomile for comfort and yarrow for healing can be tied into small bouquets for those we care about. Be sure to attach a card with an explanation so that they can interpret your message. If your tussie-mussie contains only edible herbs (and no flowers or other greenery) you might want to include directions for turning your message into soothing cups of herbal tea after they have enjoyed its beauty for a day or two.

  Am Pm Bedeutung [und Symbolik]


Weddings have many opportunities for customized herbal expressions for the bride, groom, and guests. Flowers and herbs can be used to symbolize the hopes and dreams of the bride and groom, and also to thank guests and attendants. Boutonnieres, bouquets, table decorations, wedding favors, and garlands are all ideal places to tuck in a few sprigs for sentiment and meaning. Small bouquets can be dried and saved as a keepsake for the day, or individual sprigs from the arrangements can be dried in a press or between the pages of a book. Once dry, they can be used to create bookmarks or a display-worthy keepsake under glass in a picture frame.

Besondere Anlässe

Other important life occasions like births, graduations, moving to a new home, and career changes are also times when a special message might be welcome. Herbs can be used to signify wishes for success in business ventures (laurel), safe travels (wormwood), or even peace and prosperity in a new home (myrtle). A bouquet with a message is a thoughtful way to connect with someone during a time when they may be experiencing loneliness as well as excitement – many of these important moments can leave us feeling exhilarated and yet yearning for loved ones as we make enormous changes in our lives.

Kontemplation und Reflexion

The secret language of herbs can also be used as a gentle reminder for yourself of qualities you want to cultivate in yourself or your home. A vase in a meditation space or on a table where you can catch a glimpse of it often is a lovely reminder. Perhaps angelica for inspiration if you are an artist or facing a difficult problem that needs to be solved, chamomile for patience, or parsley for gratitude. Even a simple sprig on a car dashboard or in a small vase at work can provide encouragement and give us a point for mindfulness as we go about our day.

Ein paar Kräuter und ihre Bedeutung:

Remembering the secret meaning of herbs and including them in our daily lives as points for contemplation and by giving tussie-mussies are beautiful ways to pay tribute to the ties between plants and humans that have existed for thousands of years. As we seek to connect with others and the natural world around us, it’s delightful to indulge in little “secrets” now and then, and let our desire for a little mystery and whimsy out to play in a time-honored tradition with a modern twist. Here are a few more herbs and their meanings to get you started (Laufner, 1993):

  • Angelica: inspiration
  • Basil: love
  • Bay laurel: success
  • Calendula: health
  • Chamomile: comfort
  • Echinacea: capability
  • Fennel: worthy of praise
  • Hops: mirth
  • Hyssop: cleansing
  • Lady’s mantle: comfort
  • Lavender: devotion
  • Lemon balm: sympathy
  • Lilac: joy of youth
  • Lovage: strength
  • Mint: virtue
  • Oregano: joy
  • Parsley: gratitude
  • Rose: love, desire
  • Rosemary: remembrance
  • Sage: wisdom
  • Thyme: courage
  • Vervain: good fortune
  • Violet: loyalty
  • Yarrow: healing

Ressourcen und weiterführende Literatur

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich .(1993).  New York: Workingman Press.

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. (1996). Victorian Tussie Mussie. Retrieved from 

by Brenda Jenkins Kleager

by Mandy Kirby

by Vera Bates

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Blumensträuße und Blumensträuße

The most traditional way to enjoy sending messages with herbs is a posy or tussie-mussie. These small bouquets usually feature short stems and a few simple sprigs of the desired plants. There’s no reason you can’t go all out and feature your secret message in a full size modern bouquet, though, if that’s your style. If you want the recipient to know about your secret message, either write a note to accompany your bouquet, or use the associations in one of these antique books online (free) – either  or – and leave them a clue so they can de-code it themselves! Here are a few of the ways the language of herbs can be used creatively in our modern lives.

Beste Wünsche

The language of herbs is a lovely way to create a personalized gift that expresses our well wishes and hope for healing. A small bouquet can be customized to express your sentiments and feelings for the recipient. After surgeries or car accidents, or as a comfort during time of loss, herbs like chamomile for comfort and yarrow for healing can be tied into small bouquets for those we care about. Be sure to attach a card with an explanation so that they can interpret your message. If your tussie-mussie contains only edible herbs (and no flowers or other greenery) you might want to include directions for turning your message into soothing cups of herbal tea after they have enjoyed its beauty for a day or two.


Weddings have many opportunities for customized herbal expressions for the bride, groom, and guests. Flowers and herbs can be used to symbolize the hopes and dreams of the bride and groom, and also to thank guests and attendants. Boutonnieres, bouquets, table decorations, wedding favors, and garlands are all ideal places to tuck in a few sprigs for sentiment and meaning. Small bouquets can be dried and saved as a keepsake for the day, or individual sprigs from the arrangements can be dried in a press or between the pages of a book. Once dry, they can be used to create bookmarks or a display-worthy keepsake under glass in a picture frame.

Besondere Anlässe

Other important life occasions like births, graduations, moving to a new home, and career changes are also times when a special message might be welcome. Herbs can be used to signify wishes for success in business ventures (laurel), safe travels (wormwood), or even peace and prosperity in a new home (myrtle). A bouquet with a message is a thoughtful way to connect with someone during a time when they may be experiencing loneliness as well as excitement – many of these important moments can leave us feeling exhilarated and yet yearning for loved ones as we make enormous changes in our lives.

Kontemplation und Reflexion

The secret language of herbs can also be used as a gentle reminder for yourself of qualities you want to cultivate in yourself or your home. A vase in a meditation space or on a table where you can catch a glimpse of it often is a lovely reminder. Perhaps angelica for inspiration if you are an artist or facing a difficult problem that needs to be solved, chamomile for patience, or parsley for gratitude. Even a simple sprig on a car dashboard or in a small vase at work can provide encouragement and give us a point for mindfulness as we go about our day.

Ein paar Kräuter und ihre Bedeutung:

Remembering the secret meaning of herbs and including them in our daily lives as points for contemplation and by giving tussie-mussies are beautiful ways to pay tribute to the ties between plants and humans that have existed for thousands of years. As we seek to connect with others and the natural world around us, it’s delightful to indulge in little “secrets” now and then, and let our desire for a little mystery and whimsy out to play in a time-honored tradition with a modern twist. Here are a few more herbs and their meanings to get you started (Laufner, 1993):

  • Angelica: inspiration
  • Basil: love
  • Bay laurel: success
  • Calendula: health
  • Chamomile: comfort
  • Echinacea: capability
  • Fennel: worthy of praise
  • Hops: mirth
  • Hyssop: cleansing
  • Lady’s mantle: comfort
  • Lavender: devotion
  • Lemon balm: sympathy
  • Lilac: joy of youth
  • Lovage: strength
  • Mint: virtue
  • Oregano: joy
  • Parsley: gratitude
  • Rose: love, desire
  • Rosemary: remembrance
  • Sage: wisdom
  • Thyme: courage
  • Vervain: good fortune
  • Violet: loyalty
  • Yarrow: healing

Ressourcen und weiterführende Literatur

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich .(1993).  New York: Workingman Press.

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. (1996). Victorian Tussie Mussie. Retrieved from 

by Brenda Jenkins Kleager

by Mandy Kirby

by Vera Bates

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Kontemplation und Reflexion

The secret language of herbs can also be used as a gentle reminder for yourself of qualities you want to cultivate in yourself or your home. A vase in a meditation space or on a table where you can catch a glimpse of it often is a lovely reminder. Perhaps angelica for inspiration if you are an artist or facing a difficult problem that needs to be solved, chamomile for patience, or parsley for gratitude. Even a simple sprig on a car dashboard or in a small vase at work can provide encouragement and give us a point for mindfulness as we go about our day.

Ein paar Kräuter und ihre Bedeutung:

Remembering the secret meaning of herbs and including them in our daily lives as points for contemplation and by giving tussie-mussies are beautiful ways to pay tribute to the ties between plants and humans that have existed for thousands of years. As we seek to connect with others and the natural world around us, it’s delightful to indulge in little “secrets” now and then, and let our desire for a little mystery and whimsy out to play in a time-honored tradition with a modern twist. Here are a few more herbs and their meanings to get you started (Laufner, 1993):

  • Angelica: inspiration
  • Basil: love
  • Bay laurel: success
  • Calendula: health
  • Chamomile: comfort
  • Echinacea: capability
  • Fennel: worthy of praise
  • Hops: mirth
  • Hyssop: cleansing
  • Lady’s mantle: comfort
  • Lavender: devotion
  • Lemon balm: sympathy
  • Lilac: joy of youth
  • Lovage: strength
  • Mint: virtue
  • Oregano: joy
  • Parsley: gratitude
  • Rose: love, desire
  • Rosemary: remembrance
  • Sage: wisdom
  • Thyme: courage
  • Vervain: good fortune
  • Violet: loyalty
  • Yarrow: healing

Ressourcen und weiterführende Literatur

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich .(1993).  New York: Workingman Press.

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. (1996). Victorian Tussie Mussie. Retrieved from 

by Brenda Jenkins Kleager

by Mandy Kirby

by Vera Bates

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Ein paar Kräuter und ihre Bedeutung:

Remembering the secret meaning of herbs and including them in our daily lives as points for contemplation and by giving tussie-mussies are beautiful ways to pay tribute to the ties between plants and humans that have existed for thousands of years. As we seek to connect with others and the natural world around us, it’s delightful to indulge in little “secrets” now and then, and let our desire for a little mystery and whimsy out to play in a time-honored tradition with a modern twist. Here are a few more herbs and their meanings to get you started (Laufner, 1993):

  • Angelica: inspiration
  • Basil: love
  • Bay laurel: success
  • Calendula: health
  • Chamomile: comfort
  • Echinacea: capability
  • Fennel: worthy of praise
  • Hops: mirth
  • Hyssop: cleansing
  • Lady’s mantle: comfort
  • Lavender: devotion
  • Lemon balm: sympathy
  • Lilac: joy of youth
  • Lovage: strength
  • Mint: virtue
  • Oregano: joy
  • Parsley: gratitude
  • Rose: love, desire
  • Rosemary: remembrance
  • Sage: wisdom
  • Thyme: courage
  • Vervain: good fortune
  • Violet: loyalty
  • Yarrow: healing

Ressourcen und weiterführende Literatur

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich .(1993).  New York: Workingman Press.

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. (1996). Victorian Tussie Mussie. Retrieved from 

by Brenda Jenkins Kleager

by Mandy Kirby

by Vera Bates

Teile das:

Ressourcen und weiterführende Literatur

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich .(1993).  New York: Workingman Press.

Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. (1996). Victorian Tussie Mussie. Retrieved from 

by Brenda Jenkins Kleager

by Mandy Kirby

by Vera Bates

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